Coach Stalli

Stalli is a nutrition and wellness Coach, personal trainer, and holistic lifestyle influencer. Her fitness journey began a decade ago and since then, she's exemplified how important fitness and nutrition is to the quality of life. Her mission to impact and motivate everyone towards the rewarding lifestyle of holistic wellness resulted in her launching her own fitness company, Stallion Fitness.

Her content educates and inspires a community of 10,600 followers and audience reach of over 1 million users to live intentionally by adopting a healthier holistic lifestyle.

When she's not in the gym, you can find her traveling the world or taking quiet pauses to practice mindfulness.


My Fitness Journey

As a student athlete in high school, I was extremely active so staying in shape came easily, even with a diet that was saturated with heavily processed foods. After graduation, my participation in sports ceased but I continued eating without intention.

During my sophomore year of college, while walking to class, I realized I had to stop to catch my breath, which came as a shock considering how active I was in high school.

I was now 35 pounds heavier and though I still felt confident, I wasn't happy about how unathletic and out of shape I had become.

That moment, 10 years ago, was the exact moment I decided to take the necessary steps to heal. Since then, I've been on a never ending wellness journey.